Raise Your Dental IQ

Raise Your Dental IQ

Want to raise your Dental IQ and improve your oral health? Prestige Dentistry can help! One simple lesson involves bacteria, and everyone’s mouth has a lot of it. But, don’t worry, bacteria per se isn’t the problem. It’s the balance of bacteria that’s important. This is where brushing and flossing come into play. Brush and […]

7 Ways To Fix A Chipped Tooth

fix broken tooth Trinity

In a perfect world, each of your cherished teeth would stay healthy, strong, and brilliantly white throughout your life. The truth is, however, that most Florida men and women will need to restore a tooth at some point. A tooth can be compromised by decay, enamel erosion, a chip or crack, gum disease, or injury. […]

Who Do You Call If You Have a Dental Emergency?

urgent dental clinic Trinity

A dental emergency is any situation in which damage to the teeth occurs and the patient needs urgent care. While a dental emergency may have never happened to you, it could happen in the future. Some things are too serious to wait for an appointment. How do you know if you need to call for […]

Signs Of Oral Cancer: What Not To Ignore

oral cancer signs Trinity

Today’s article focuses on a very serious matter—oral (oropharyngeal) cancers. The medical community categorizes oral cancers as a subset of head and neck cancers. Oral cancers can develop in the following locations: The tongue The roof of the mouth and under the tongue The inside of the cheeks The oropharynx (the part behind the soft […]