Toothache Relief at Prestige Dentistry in Trinity

urgent dental clinic Trinity

A toothache is probably the most common dental problem. However, they can have multiple causes. A toothache can come on gradually–or attack with full force. At Prestige Dentistry, we are dedicated to helping our clients successfully deal with toothaches. 1. You sip a cold drink and–bam!–tooth pain. When a cavity has eroded enamel it eventually […]

Ouch! Are Your Teeth Sensitive?

Are Your Teeth Sensitive In Trinity?

For those of you in the St. Petersburg area who feel pain when you sip your morning coffee or who cringe each time you brush or floss, Prestige Dentistry is here for you. The first line of defense against tooth sensitivity is proper oral hygiene. Incorrect brushing and over-brushing can result in receding gums, which […]

Raise Your Dental IQ

Raise Your Dental IQ

Want to raise your Dental IQ and improve your oral health? Prestige Dentistry can help! One simple lesson involves bacteria, and everyone’s mouth has a lot of it. But, don’t worry, bacteria per se isn’t the problem. It’s the balance of bacteria that’s important. This is where brushing and flossing come into play. Brush and […]